Curse of SUV hype

More I’m observing bicycles rolling around Ljubljana, more I see that SUV hype is here in full effect.  But than again, this could be because we are very sporty people.

Very offten people wear trainer suit (think of  Ali G style ) just to go for a drink to the riverside ( aka beach ) , even if they don’t even practice sports.

Here’s one example of our cafe racer:


Where did all those classic bicycles from communist times go ?

I bet there are thousand laying in basements and sheds. At least I see piles of them every time local cleanig service is picking up old stuff, that people prepare infornt of their houses and is then taken to the junkyard.

Yeah, those year, long before mountainbikes , were much more cycle chick. Our local bicycle producer ROG even had a model called Holland. And don’t label me commy-nostalgic.

2 responses to “Curse of SUV hype

  1. I’m moving to Ljubljana in a couple of months and I wouldn’t mind finding one of those ‘classic-commy bikes’ to ride around on. I’m bringing some unusual old old bikes to Lj too. I collect them (and ride them). Nice to know there is a bit of bike awareness going on in Lj, that is not about pure sports. Hope you keep this site going.

    • urbanveloljubljana

      Hey, Marc, I took a peek on your collection and it look awesome. Drop me a note when you come around.

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